Thursday, November 27, 2008


Years ago I saw Gene Hare’s wonderful live-action adaptation of Aladdin (that included a very inventive, flying carpet scene). He has now adapted the show for the puppet stage and I can’t wait to see what he does now that he is no longer restricted by the limitations of the human form.

Aladdin, adapted, directed and designed by Eugene Hare will be a delight for the entire family. After last year's wildly successful puppet production of The Firebird Eugene Hare will bring to life the classic epic of a poor young man who, with the help of a djinni and his own cleverness, defeats an evil sorcerer and wins the heart of Princess Badroulbadour.

It plays November 29, 30, December 6, 7, 13, 14. All performances will take place at 2pm.

Further information can be found at:


So I did a Yahoo search for “Puppet Stuff” and this blog is actually found by the search engine.

Hooray! I’ve never had that happen before on a website or blog that I had created.

So now I feel obligated to update the site.

Luckily there are some puppet related things coming up in the next several weeks.